Monday, July 14, 2008

LD Links

Here are links to some interesting sites related to learning disabilities:

LD Online has a lot of information that I found especially useful as somebody new to the subject. Yes, they're ultimately shilling a product, but the site is extensive nonetheless.

National Center for Learning Disabilities has fact sheets, a newsletter, and really interesting scholarships and writing competitions for students with LD.

TeensHealth has an article written for teens who are wondering what LD is and whether or not they have the symptoms.

This is an interesting one from the National Institue for Literacy--a transcript of what appears to be an online discussion about how highschoolers with LD transition into adulthood. Dr. Arlyn Roffman of Cambridge leads the discussion, and it's got all kinds of questions from real teachers and others in the field.

Happy reading!

image from Look Locally

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